SetupSpriteRects /Drawing

void SetupSpriteRects(string spriteName, uint columns, uint rows)

Cuts the sprite into a custom number of rows and columns. Useful if you have animated sprites.

void onSceneLoaded()
    // load a 256x256 sprite

    // divides the sprite into a 4x4 rect (4 columns and 2 rows)
    SetupSpriteRects("animations/animated_sprite_256x256.png", 4, 2);

    // will look like this:
    // +-------------------+
    // |    |    |    |    |
    // |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |
    // |    |    |    |    |
    // |____|____|____|____|
    // |    |    |    |    |
    // |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
    // |    |    |    |    |
    // |____|____|____|____|

    // should return vector2(64,128)
    vector2 size = GetSpriteFrameSize("animations/animated_sprite_256x256.png");

    // select the third frame
    SetSpriteRect("animations/animated_sprite_256x256.png", 2);

void onSceneUpdate()
    // Draw the third frame
    // +----+
    // |    |
    // |  2 |
    // |    |
    // |____|
    DrawSprite("animations/animated_sprite_256x256.png", vector2(0,0), 0xFFFFFFFF);