Provides direct access to the b2Body
(Box2D body object) of the entity.
This object must be obtained with the ETHEntity::GetPhysicsController
bool IsAwake() const | Returns |
bool IsBullet() const | Returns The excerpt below has been extracted... |
bool IsFixedRotation() const | Returns |
bool IsSensor() const | Returns |
ETHRevoluteJoint@ GetRevoluteJoint(uint jointIndex) | Retrieves a reference to the revolute joint. If the joint declared at |
ETH_BODY_SHAPE GetShape() const | Returns the current body shape. ... |
float GetAngularVelocity() const | Gets the angular velocity in radians/second. ... |
float GetDensity() const | Returns the entity body density. ... |
float GetFriction() const | Get the coefficient of friction. ... |
float GetGravityScale() const | Get the gravity scale of the body. ... |
float GetMass() const | Get the total mass of the body. ... |
float GetRestitution() const | Returns the coefficient of restitution. ... |
vector2 GetLinearVelocity() const | Returns the linear velocity of the center of mass. ... |
void ApplyAngularImpulse(float impulse) | Applies an angular impulse in units of kg*m*m/s ... |
void ApplyForce(vector2 force, vector2 point) | Apply a force at a world point. If the force is not applied at the center of mass, it will... |
void ApplyForceToCenter(vector2 force) | Apply a force to the center of mass. This wakes up the body. |
void ApplyLinearImpulse(vector2 impulse, vector2 point) | Apply an impulse at a point. This immediately modifies the velocity. It also modifies the angular... |
void ApplyTorque(float torque) | Apply a torque. This affects the angular velocity without affecting the linear velocity of the... |
void SetAngularVelocity(float velocity) | Set the angular velocity. |
void SetAwake(bool awake) | Toggles the entity-body sleeping state. |
void SetBullet(bool enable) | Set The excerpt below has... |
void SetDensity(float density) | Resets entity body density. ... |
void SetFriction(float friction) | Set the coefficient of friction. This will not change the friction of existing... |
void SetGravityScale(float scale) | Scale the gravity applied to this body by the |
void SetLinearVelocity(vector2 velocity) | Set the linear velocity of the center of mass. ... |
void SetRestitution(float restitution) | Set the coefficient of restitution. This will not change the restitution of... |