Title | Description |
PF16BIT | 16-bit color format ... |
PF32BIT | 32-bit color format ... |
PI | A float-typed Π value ( |
PIb | A float-typed Π/2 value ( |
DT_OBJECT | A reference to a script object. More about entity custom... |
BS_CIRCLE | Circular entity-body shape. ... |
BS_POLYGON | Custom convex polygon shape. ... |
JS_INVALID | Device is plugged but not valid. ... |
ET_HORIZONTAL | Horizontal entity type. More about entity types. ... |
JS_DETECTED | Joystick has been detected and is ready for use. ... |
JS_NOTDETECTED | Joystick is not plugged. ... |
JK_DOWN | Joystick non-analog down button ... |
JK_LEFT | Joystick non-analog left button ... |
JK_RIGHT | Joystick non-analog right button ... |
JK_UP | Joystick non-analog up button ... |
K_ADD | Keyboard |
K_A - K_Z | Keyboard ANSI character keys from A to Z. ... |
K_DOWN | Keyboard |
K_LEFT | Keyboard |
K_RIGHT | Keyboard |
K_UP | Keyboard |
K_PLUS | Keyboard |
K_COMMA | Keyboard |
K_SUBTRACT | Keyboard |
K_MINUS | Keyboard |
K_DOT | Keyboard |
K_ALT | Keyboard |
K_BACK | Keyboard |
K_CTRL | Keyboard |
K_DELETE | Keyboard |
K_END | Keyboard |
K_ESC | Keyboard |
K_F1 - K_F24 | Keyboard |
K_HOME | Keyboard |
K_INSERT | Keyboard |
K_PAGEDOWN | Keyboard |
K_PAGEUP | Keyboard |
K_PAUSE | Keyboard |
K_PRINTSCREEN | Keyboard |
K_ENTER | Keyboard |
K_SHIFT | Keyboard |
K_SPACE | Keyboard |
K_TAB | Keyboard |
ET_LAYERABLE | Layerable entity type. More about entity types. ... |
K_LMOUSE | Left mouse button. ... |
K_MMOUSE | Middle mouse button. ... |
K_RMOUSE | Mouse right button. ... |
JK_NONE | No button ... |
DT_NODATA | No data. More about entity custom data. ... |
BS_NONE | Not a physics-simulated shape. ... |
K_0 - K_9 | Numerical keyboard keys from 0 to 9 (numpad keys are usually not included). ... |
BS_BOX | Rectangular entity-body shape. ... |
JK_01 - B_32 | Standard joystick buttons ... |
BS_COMPOUND | The entity-body is composed of a number of custom sized rectangles and circles that form a single... |
KS_HIT | the key/button has just been pressed. ... |
KS_RELEASE | the key/button has just been released. ... |
KS_DOWN | the key/button is being pressed. ... |
KS_UP | the key/button is not being pressed. ... |
NPOS | The maximum possible size for the |
K_BACKSPACE | The same as |
PFUNKNOWN | Unknown pixel format ... |
ET_VERTICAL | Vertical entity type. More about entity types. ... |