GetEntitiesAroundBucket /Scene and entities

void GetEntitiesAroundBucket(vector2 bucket, ETHEntityArray &out, string whiteList = "")

Copies into &out a handle to each entity contained in the buckets around bucketMore about scene buckets.


vector2 bombPos(200.0f, 300.0f);
vector2 bombBucket = GetBucket(bombPos);

ETHEntityArray entities;
GetEntitiesAroundBucket(bombBucket, entities);

for (uint t = 0; t < entities.Size(); t++)
    print(entities[t].GetEntityName() + " is around the bomb! Careful!");

This function alternatively receives a semicolon-separated whiteList string that enumerates the entities that should be included in the array:

ETHEntityArray entities;

// get only the vampires and wolves around the bucket
GetEntitiesAroundBucket(bombBucket, entities, "vampire.ent;wolf.ent");

Setting an empty string to whiteList will return handles to all entities without exceptions.

This function seeks entities in the bucket itself, and all eight buckets that touch the edges and the corners of bucket.

This function is accumulative, which means &out won't be cleaned before more entities are inserted.